Tuesday, September 21, 2010
All Caught Up!!!
Well...It's been way TOO long since I posted!! Life, as usual, has been chaotic this summer, and with this being the last day of summer...I thought I should post about my summer!
To begin...we had awesome weather!!! So happy that there was more sun than rain this year!
My 2 oldest children (ages 9 & 11) played baseball which is always fun...My 4 year was supposed to play but she backed out...we will try again next year!
For 1 week this summer, I volunteered as a camp nurse at a local camp, while the 2 oldest attended their first-ever overnight camp. We all had a blast and will be returning next year!
Then the 2 oldest went to Disney World with their grandparents for a week...while the 2 youngest stayed home with Mom & Dad...we did a few day trips during that week.
And during all this excitment...my husband and I were working as well!
AND with the end of summer vacation...is the start of a new school year!!! "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." My youngest daughter started school this year! Here in Ontario, a new full-time JK curriculum has started and our school is one of the 1st schools to start it...so she's in school ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! It's pretty quiet around here with only 1 child home...that's a whole other post.
So, as you might imagine...I fell behind on my quilting bee obligations! But did finally catch up last week...that too is a whole other post!
Hope everyone had as awesome a summer as we need!
To begin...we had awesome weather!!! So happy that there was more sun than rain this year!
My 2 oldest children (ages 9 & 11) played baseball which is always fun...My 4 year was supposed to play but she backed out...we will try again next year!
For 1 week this summer, I volunteered as a camp nurse at a local camp, while the 2 oldest attended their first-ever overnight camp. We all had a blast and will be returning next year!
Then the 2 oldest went to Disney World with their grandparents for a week...while the 2 youngest stayed home with Mom & Dad...we did a few day trips during that week.
And during all this excitment...my husband and I were working as well!
AND with the end of summer vacation...is the start of a new school year!!! "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." My youngest daughter started school this year! Here in Ontario, a new full-time JK curriculum has started and our school is one of the 1st schools to start it...so she's in school ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! It's pretty quiet around here with only 1 child home...that's a whole other post.
So, as you might imagine...I fell behind on my quilting bee obligations! But did finally catch up last week...that too is a whole other post!
Hope everyone had as awesome a summer as we need!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Catch-up Continues
So...life continues to through wrenches in my neck of the woods. Nothing major, thank goodness, but enough to mess up my plans of sitting at my sewing machine and tuning out everything around me. This is near to impossible to achieve seeing as my sewing room is in my kitchen, er, is my kitchen table, and I have 4 kids!!!
This block I made for HandyCrafts of the Live Piecefully Virtual Quilting Bee! Due way back in March (SORRY Sara). I was actually intimidated by the Dresden Plate...as it turns out...way easier than expected! Live Piecefully is actually done now...I'm looking forward to seeing what the completed quilts look like...which means...I need to put together MINE!!!
Where did I PUT all those blocks????
This is the April block for Renaissance Rubia of the MishMash StashBash Bee. She sent out a few scraps of coordinating fabrics and we were asked to make a wonky block with our stash. I thinked it turned out great! I love scrappy, still not sure how I feel about wonky?!?!? I have a thing, I guess, about straight lines, and right angles?!?!? Who knew???
This block is for Shadrach Meshach & Abednego of The Maple Leaf Bee! She asked us to make a spiderweb block using the green 'kites' and a few scraps of random fabrics she sent us, along with scraps from our stash! LOVE this block!!! I can't wait to see how it all looks together. She also asked us to sign our name and our 'place' on the block, which I forgot about until I was about to mail it! Glad I caught it in time!
I still owe one block to it's3o'clockinthemorning of the MMSB...which will be finished this weekend!
Happy Quilting!!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Playing Catch-up
As a result of being in a 'funk,' I fell behind in my quilting bee obligations!!!
So I've been playing catch-up as of late!
The block below was made for Viv of the MMSB...
She sent out the white, and we (the worker bees) were asked to make a flying geese circle using our fabric of one color. I chose orange...I LOVE orange!! This was meant for March...and I sent it in May...I'm totally ashamed. Sorry Viv!!!
This block was made for Catherine of the Maple Leaf Bee...
I LOVE the charcoal in this block...and the green too! And I enjoy paper-piecing as long as there is plenty of extra fabric...there was some nail biting...and cursing at the seams...LOL
This one was also meant for March...and was sent in May...Sorry Catherine!!!
The next 2 blocks were made for Heather of the Maple Leaf Bee...she sent out pieces of vinatge sheets and asked that we make pinwheel blocks of our choice. We were allowed to add a solid if we wished...
The vintage sheets brought back memories of staying at Nana's house...and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this quilt is going to turn out...I'm thinking "Light & Airy"
That's it for now...I'm off to tackle the next set of tardy blocks!
Out of the Loop!!
So I've been out of the loop for a couple of months!!!

We've had a rough couple of months with the stomach flu, and colds, and the winter blahs (that would be me!) My eldest daughter was in and out of the hospital for 1 week at the end of April...which took a lot out of me and the fam...Thank goodness it wasn't anything major and she recovered and is back to her usual self...including turning 9!!! And my Baby turned 2!
BUT NOW...I'm out of my funk!!!!! And while I've been in my funk...I've become very behind on all my quilting bees...I'm SOOOOO sorry to all my quilting bee buddies!
I'm going to post all my recent finishes in another post...except for my Quilt for Haiti!!
It's all done...and been sent to Tammy ...who's going to get them to Rebecca...who will deliver them to the people devestated by the earthquake! This was such a feel-good project...and I love the way it turned out...I hope it put a smile on a little person face and a hug in their heart!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Charlotte's 1st Quilt!!!
This is Charlotte's very 1st Quilt!!!
She picked out the fabrics and pieced the blocks together...and with Mommy's help finished it off! Mommy helped with the rest of the piecing...quilting...and binding. I'm very proud of her!
Lucky recipient...the newest member of our family...Baby Will...my cousins son.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Potholder Pass Deux!!
These are the 2nd set of potholders that I have made for Potholder Pass 2...
The first set didn't look so good once I quilted them :(
I think they turned out very cute...Hexagons are starting to become an obsession I think?!?!?!?!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Winter Mini Received!!!
LOOK what I got!!!!
Awesome pinwheel...and redwork!!!
This little pocket is such a cute idea!
THANK-YOU Stacey from North Carolina!!!
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About Me

- Carmen
- I am young mother of 4 darling children. I'm also a full-time Labor & Delivery RN. I love to quilt, sew, knit, crochet, do just about anything crafty, in my spare time.